Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Big W-I

Patrick and I had the privilege and honor of being a part of something wonderful in Wisconsin...The St. Angelo family reunion!  Let me explain.  Patrick made a historical family documentary for the St. Angelo's and it was premiered in Cumblerland, WI (where the patriarch settled and some family members still live).  

We had a blast and truly felt like part of the family (we even made the traditional family photo! Whaaa?)

So, here is the rundown of my very first visit to this beautiful part of the country.  

COWS off of the fourth hole!
We arrived in Cumberland at midnight Thursday night and our cabin (owned by the family) was perfect! To our left was a beautiful lake and to our right was an amazing golf course.  So obviously Friday was family golf tournament day which equals Lauren-ride-in-the-cart-and-read-a-book-day.
Oh yeah and there were dairy cows right behind the fourth hole.  Crazy!

My golfer man

Tom (who lives in the cabin on this lake above) was the ultimate host.  This included sunset/dusk pontoon boat rides...with a soundtrack and everything! (The music that was chosen can be and was debated)

Showing the next generation some family history

Above is Don St. Angelo who is the son of Thomas St. Angelo, whom the film was about.  

The flowers in Wisconsin were AMAZING.  They obviously are not going through the drought that we are in the South.

The farmhouse where Don grew up.  Isn't it the quaintest??

Children of the corn
The backyard of the farmhouse was corn and like a true tourist I had to stand in it and be surrounded by it.  Reminded me so much of Field of Dreams....and how short I am.

The second viewing for the town of Cumberland

On Saturday night was the premier for the family and it was so FANTASTIC to get sneak peeks of the St. Angelo's watching it.  There was laughter, there were tears, and all in all a big glass case of emotion.    The second viewing was for the town as the town library is named after Thomas St. Angelo.  So proud that it was a packed house!!
Wisconsin beauty
Comstock Creamery Cheese Factory (Duh)

Below is the lake house that we spent a lot of time eating fabulous HOMEMADE RAVIOLI (like scratch, people), sipping brews, and just soaking in lake life because it was 80 degrees not 110. 

Thanks to the St. Angelo family for adopting us and making us your own.  I am so glad that y'all are the ones to introduce me to all things Wisconsin.  

Patrick, I am so proud of you and what you do! I love watching your clients react to your films and to YOU.  I also love getting to pretend that I'm "with the company" and travel with you. :)

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