Saturday, April 18, 2015

Four Year Checkup

Eliot had his four year check up the other day and I just watched in amazement as he jabbered and did everything as he was told.  He did NOT STOP TALKING (I know y'all can't imagine that from my child.) and after showing his pediatrician his multiple band aids on his knees, the doctor asked him if his mom every wanted to put a band aid on his mouth. Ha!!
He got to do his first ear test since he was born and he aced it! They told him to choose a word or an action (like thumbs up or hand up) to let them know if he heard the beep.  He chose the word "frack".  He's very environmental and concerned with the fracking in Texas.  JAY-KAY! He loves to make up words and they typically start with the letter f so you can imagine how nervous that makes us, especially while going to the pediatrician, the grocery store, the bank line, etc, etc.  I think it even made the nurse nervous because she eventually asked him to raise his hand.
His eyesight is 20/20 and he is now vaccinated against polio and chicken pox.  Bless him, they have NO WHERE to really stick it so they have to pinch him first to have a place to prick him.  All in all giving my stick figure child shots is very tricky and awful, but the second you say sucker he dries it up and is ready to go! 
Since he's been to the doctor SO MUCH in his little life, going is like a fun activity to him.  He can catch up with the doc and all the nurses and always ends up saying hilarious things (see above).  Next we will venture to the dentist and he seems equally excited about that.  We shall see!

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