Monday, October 4, 2010

19 weeks

...and I don't look like her
For some reason her belly keeps getting bigger but nothing else is.  Not the case for this chica but I'm totes okay with that because I will have my cravings and eat them too.  :)

I'm a little behind but this past Saturday I hit the 19 week mark which is exciting.  I can feel little flutters and I'm now to the point where there is no possible way of hiding the tum tum.  This is also thrilling because all of my fitted shirts that I wouldn't wear on bloated days, I can proudly pull on over my tummy and get sweet sympathetic looks from bystanders. YES!

Here's what is up with the little pine-Cone this week:
Okay, I have a confession.  I just looked what is up with the baby on every site possible and every description includes words like, brown fat, hairy, milky, "like yogurt"..etc.  Maybe something sweet and "awwww" inducing will be going on next week....stay tuned.

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